Out with the old, in with BAMBOO!

Bamboo Babe has arrived and has changed the game when it comes to sanitary pads and the waste this category produces.

Made using sustainably sourced, 100% organic bamboo which is a naturally anti-fungal, anti bacterial and eco-responsible crop to grow. The pads are super thin yet ultra absorbent, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable, free from the bulk of conventional pads. They’re plastic-free. Period.

Their unique bio-film packaging is 100% home compostable and biodegrades in 180days*, as do the pads, which compared to traditional pads that take between 500 - 800 years to completely break down, is great for the planet.

The range offers something for everyone, with three pad options for Night, Super (heavier flow) and Normal (regular flow). The Night and Super have been coveted by new mum’s for post-partum use due to their high absorbency and comfortable design. The panty-liner is the 4th SKU in the range and is great for everyday use.

We’re so thrilled to welcome Bamboo Babe to the Natural Things family.

To learn more about Bamboo Babe, or to place an order please contact us here