Kréol Sparkling goes from strength to strength 

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Kréol Sparkling goes from strength to strength

 Kréol is about living well and looking after yourself.  The Kréol story began when Founder Andrew Rush found a book on the benefits of a holistic diet while on a surfing trip in France.

Andrew’s curiosity to live well grew from this experience, and what quickly became apparent to him was that the impulse beverage market is flooded with drinks that are high in sugar and serve little or no benefit to the consumer.

I couldn’t find a drink that I was comfortable drinking.  Our goal is to create a line of drinks which taste great and which customers can trust, says Andrew.

Kréol is small-batch brewed and carefully formulated with a low sugar count, using all natural ingredients. Kréol’s hero function is the inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics which support digestive gut flora to help maintain a healthy gut. 

We have incorporated prebiotic fibre and specific strains of probiotics into our beverages. We can’t underestimate the importance of supporting and maintaining a healthy microbiota, as it has a huge impact on our overall wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy diet is important for a healthy gut and our drinks also help support this.

Andrew, together with business partner and sister-in-law, Chloe Rush, have had a great response to the current product line.  

 People are now drinking with purpose and moving away from sugary soft drinks and juices, which is great to see. As a result, we will continue to see more unique health-focused brands emerge. It’s an exciting time in the functional drinks space says Chloe

The Rush’s have had fantastic success in their first year of business, with over 350 new stockists and Kréol being sold in a number of cafes and wholefood stores in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

The current range includes three prebiotic flavours including Passionfruit and Orange, Mango, Lime and Turmeric and Lemon, Ginger and Honey, which are all made with organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

Why drink Kréol Sparkling?

 ·        Functional drink that supports gut digestion

·        Contains prebiotic and probiotic cultures

·        All natural ingredients

·        Low in sugar

·        Tastes great and is good for you!

For more information, please contact

JessIe Peters | 0800674264